Are you unsure how to support your students’ end of year performance in their MATH class. Whether your student is struggling, treading water, or moving along hesitantly in their specific math subject, Online Tutoring can IMEDIATELY make a world of difference for them now.

Do you want to help your child to finish the year at the top of their MATH class. This will regain their math confidence. It will allow them to be ready for NEXT YEAR’S MATH class with momentum and without repeating this year’s mistakes. If that is your GOAL for your child now, then we can help them achieve that RESULT for BOTH of you.

💡 We all get ONE SHOT at our education, so let’s make it count for our children.

To maintain results your child achieves, with tutoring help now, you need to prevent them from repeating this school year’s lackluster performance next year (in a tougher math class) by AVOIDING the ”SUMMER MATH SLIDE” or “ SUMMER MATH LEARNIG LOSS”. You can achieve this  by helping your child at  YEAR END and SUMMER.

You may ask what is the ”SUMMER MATH SLIDE” or “ SUMMER MATH LEARNIG LOSS”, are they real? Concisely, it is LEARNING LOSS during summer months and has a cumulative effect.   Please check out:

1] What the Harvard Graduate School of Education says onSummer Math Loss”: { }

2] What the Brookings institute says onIs summer learning loss real, and does it widen test score gaps by family income?”:{}

3] The Rand Corporation’s study onSUMMER SLIDE”: {}

4] What the NWEA {NorthWest Evaluation Association; learn more on NWEA below 🔎} say onSummer Learning Loss: What We Know and What We’re Learning”: {}

🔎The NWEA, or Northwest Evaluation Association, is a not-for-profit organization that creates academic assessments for students from pre-K to 12th grade. NWEA assessments are used by over 9,500 schools and districts in 145 countries. They are known for the MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) tests, which are used to measure achievement and growth in subjects like math, reading, and language use. These assessments help educators understand students’ academic levels and inform instructional strategies.  These tests are given multiple times throughout a school year to measure students’ growth in a variety of subjects.

If you’d like to know more about how the MAP tests work or how they’re used in schools? Go to {}

5] for more references onSummer Math Lossand information on our SUMMER PROGRAMS  go to our Options in the heading above at the top of this page.

Comment below with your thoughts or message me directly on Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp Business (click icons.)

-OR-Tell us about your student, fill out our form below and submit it,or call us directly and leave a message, if we are busy teaching.    We will be in touch with you ASAP to discuss your student’s needs. We’ll show you how we can help them achieve their GOALS and get the desired RESULTS that you BOTH want.

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Which level is your student in?
If your student is in High School which Math support or enrichment do they need?
Does your student need SAT/ACT/ISEE Prep or other Standardized Test Prep?
If you phone is a cell phone
Are you interested in one of our SUMMER PROGRAMS for your student?

ALTERNATIVELY, to avoid leaving us a voice message or forcing us to play “phone tag”, you can SCHEDULE a call with us at a specific time for either: [1] A short 5-minute meeting to “LEARN MORE” quick details about our GNH-MOAcademy -OR- [2] A longer 15-30-minute “CONSULTATION” on how we can help your student.

We’ll show you how our team and I can boost your child’s MATH grade in record time.  Also, how we  help maintain these RESULTS with our SUMMER PROGRAM so they can begin the next school year with a roar of confidence not a whimper of hesitation.